
Holocaust Background WebQuest

For each section, complete the following tasks:
  1. Identify and define the key terms or important facts that will help others understand your topic.
  2. Write a brief summary of the information presented in the topic. This summary should be no longer than five sentences. Include only the important information!
  3. Choose one of the pictures linked to the article to share with the class.
Group A: Holocaust Overview
Group B: The Nazi Terror Begins
Group C: SS Police State
Group D: Nazi Propaganda and Censorship 
Group E: German Rule in Occupied Europe
Group F: Jews in Prewar Germany
Group G: Antisemitism
Group H: Ghettos in Poland
Group I: Life in the Ghettos
Group J: Auschwitz

You will be graded on your productivity and cooperation as a group, how well you follow directions, the quality of your summary and important information, and the quality of your presentation to the class.

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