
Thursday, February 28

Writing Prompt 4.5: In last night's reading, Eli describes the ghetto his family was forced to live in.
  • How does Eli describe this ghetto? What is it like living there? (use your book if you need more evidence)
  • How does this compare to what we think of as "ghetto" today?

discuss ghettos
reading notes procedure
vocabulary review

Friday: vocab quiz on 10 & 11
Monday: read up to pages 21-37 and complete 1.5 pages of notes

Reading Notes - 1.5 pages
  1. 5 important quotes. Record the page number and write a brief reflection.
  2. 2-column notes - write the page number, plot event, quote, on the left and your questions/reflections on the right
  3. Big questions - find the quotes/page numbers that relate to the big questions and reflect
  4. Reading Notes - pages 20-37
    Big questions:
    • Think about warnings and foreshadowing: what Eli and the other Jews ignore, and what advice did they follow?
    • How do the Jews begin to treat each other?
    • How does Eli react to what happens?

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