
Thursday, February 28

Writing Prompt 4.5: In last night's reading, Eli describes the ghetto his family was forced to live in.
  • How does Eli describe this ghetto? What is it like living there? (use your book if you need more evidence)
  • How does this compare to what we think of as "ghetto" today?

discuss ghettos
reading notes procedure
vocabulary review

Friday: vocab quiz on 10 & 11
Monday: read up to pages 21-37 and complete 1.5 pages of notes

Reading Notes - 1.5 pages
  1. 5 important quotes. Record the page number and write a brief reflection.
  2. 2-column notes - write the page number, plot event, quote, on the left and your questions/reflections on the right
  3. Big questions - find the quotes/page numbers that relate to the big questions and reflect
  4. Reading Notes - pages 20-37
    Big questions:
    • Think about warnings and foreshadowing: what Eli and the other Jews ignore, and what advice did they follow?
    • How do the Jews begin to treat each other?
    • How does Eli react to what happens?


Monday, 2/25 & Tuesday, 2/26

Writing Prompt 4.4: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Explain your interpretation of the statement and your opinion.
Most people are more likely to conform 
rather than act on their
own individual principles.

Review vocabulary
Books! & start reading


Read pages 3-10 (half way through 10) write down 3 questions or reactions to the reading 


Friday, 2/22

Do Now: 
Get your poster from the pile and sit with your group. We will be presenting in the order listed on the blog. 

Word Maps can go in the Homework Bin.

Review vocabulary
AOTW assignment
Research Presentations

Choose one of the following articles to read in your UpFront magazine. 

  • "Cyberwar" pages 14-15
  • "Puerto Rico: The 51st State?" page 21


Holocaust History Jigsaw

In pairs, research the following topics. There are guiding questions to help you focus your research, but you may also included other relevant or interesting information. The link provided takes you to the United States Holocaust Museum website. You may choose to use additional sites. Please do not use wikipedia as a source.

Once you have completed your research, make a poster that clearly explains your main points. This will help you share your information with the class tomorrow. You may print one sheet of pictures. Please see me for approval before you do this.

You will be graded on your productivity in class, cooperation with your partner, accuracy and detail of your research, neat and organized poster, and presentation tomorrow.

Group 1: Holocaust Overview
What is the Holocaust?
Who were the perpetrators and victims?
When did this occur? Where?
What is the Final Solution?
How did the Holocaust end?
What happened to the survivors?

Group 2: Hitler Comes to Power & The Nazi Terror Begins
Describe the state of Germany in the 1930s.
Who was Hitler? Why did he appeal to many Germans?
To what was Hitler appointed in 1933?
How did Hitler change the German government?
How did Adolf Hitler become the leader of the Nazis?
What is the SA? What did they do?
What did the Nazis do to other political parties and unions?

Group 3: SS Police State & The Gestapo
What is the SS? What did the SS do?
What was the Gestapo?
What types of people were declared enemies of the Nazi party? What did the SS and the Gestapo do to these enemies?
What was Dachau? Why is it important?

Group 4: Nazi Propaganda and Censorship
What is propaganda?
How did the Nazis use propaganda to gain control?
Why did the Nazis burn books? Who are some of the famous others whose books were burned?
What was the reaction of Americans to book burning?
How did propaganda and censorship affect schools?
What other methods did the Nazis use to control Jewish people?

Group 5: World War II in Europe & German Rule in Occupied Europe
What new war tactic did Germany use to defeat other countries?
Why did this tactic not work in Great Britain?
How many countries did Germany defeat?
Who were the Allies?
What two fronts was Germany fighting?
How did the Germans treat the people in the countries they conquered?
What did Germany plan to do with the forced laborers?
What examples are provided of Nazi treatment on conquered towns?

Group 6: Antisemitism
What is anti-Semitism?
Why were Jews outsiders in European societies?
According to many Christians, what were the Jews responsible? What do many historians blame for this today?
What is usury? Why did many Jews do this instead of Christians?
For what events were Jews the scapegoats?
What new kind of anti-Semitism emerged in the 1800s?
How did Karl Lueger influence Adolf Hitler?

Group 7: The Nazi Camp System & Prisoners of the Camps
What was the Nazi Camp System? What was its purpose?
Who was sent to Nazi camps?
How many prisoners were in the camps in 1942? In 1945?
What were prisoners forced to wear in camps? Why?
What types of people were in the Nazi camps?

Group 8: Auschwitz
Describe Auschwitz. Where was it? What did it consist of?
How many people lost their lives at Auschwitz? How many were Jewish?
What was written over the gate to Auschwitz?
How were prisoners treated in Auschwitz?
What was life like for prisoners?
What types of work did prisoners do?
Who is Dr. Josef Mengele? What did he do?

Group 9: Elie Wiesel
Who is Elie Wiesel?
What books did he write? About what experiences?
What has he done after the Holocaust?
Where does he live now? What does he do?

Tuesday, February 19

Do Now:
New vocabulary!

review AOTW
Holocaust KWL

Word maps due Friday


Friday, February 15

No Do Now :(
Just study!

AOTW #17 - pages 6-7 "Celebrities for Sale"


Thursday, February 14

Review vocab
Independent Work in IMC
Use the Poetry Analysis Chart to help you

Poetry Analysis project due on Friday (click here for handout)

  • three typed paragraphs
  • annotated poem
Quiz on Friday
  • Vocab 10
  • Poetry Terms

Key Poetry Terms:
Sound and Structure
end rhyme
iambic pentameter
internal rhyme

Types of Poetry
free verse
narrative poem
lyric poetry

Poetic Devices
figurative language
implied metaphor
extended metaphor


Wednesday, 2/13

Writing Prompt 4.3
Parent Conferences are today!
What do you think I should tell your parents about you? Include details and explain why.

Have your annotated poem and the analysis chart out on your desks. I will come around to check them. 

Review vocab
Independent Work
Use the Poetry Analysis Chart to help you

Poetry Analysis project due on Friday (click here for handout)

  • three typed paragraphs
  • annotated poem
Quiz on Friday
  • Vocab 10
  • Poetry Terms


Monday, February 11

Do Now: Vocabulary Practice

"Digging Deeper with Poetry" Assignment
Writing Notes
Annotating Poems

Period 3: Annotations and chart due Wednesday
Period 8: Annotations due Tuesday; chart due Wednesday

quiz on vocab 10 and poetry terms
poetry analysis 

Ms. McCartney and Ms. Berger will be in the IMC after school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week if you need time to type. 


Friday, February 8

Review vocabulary
Finish poetry groups
poetry writing assignment

Due Monday, 2/11:
  • Choose a poem (at least ten lines). Bring a copy to class with you or email it to me by 9am on Monday, 2/11
  • AOTW #16 pages 8-9

Due Friday, 2/15
  • Quiz on vocab 10 & poetry terms
  • Poetry analysis paper


Thursday, February 7

Writing Prompt 4.2:
Write a plausible, coherent excuse explaining why you won't have your word maps done tomorrow. Your excuse can be as intricate or simple as you like.

Review Vocab
"Knock, Knock"
Poetry Groups

Word maps due Friday
Choose a poem (at least ten lines) for Monda
  • bring a copy to class with you or email it to me by 9am on Monday 


Tuesday, February 5

Writing Prompt 4.1:
"What you don't know doesn't hurt you."

Do you agree or disagree with the above phrase? Explain your thoughts. You can include real life examples if you'd like. 

Review vocabulary

word maps due on Friday


Monday, February 4

Do Now: Get a new vocab handout from the back desk and decipher each word's meaning. 

New vocab
Discuss AOTW

word maps due on Friday