
Friday, November 30

review vocabulary
monologue peer editing

Due Monday:

  • word maps
  • read pages 111-137 complete 2 column notes with 5 important passages

Due Friday: 

  • final, typed copy of monologues


Wednesday, November 28

Writing Prompt 3.2:
Describe the Marthas. Do you think their club is truly good, or are there some negative aspects to it? What are they? How does the club affect Heather's friendship with Melinda? Explain your response. 

Discuss Speak
Writing Folders
Independent Work


  • read pages 95-111 due Thursday. Complete one sheet of two-columned notes (important passages and your reaction).
  • rough draft of monologue due in class on Friday
  • word maps due Monday


Tuesday, November 27

Do Now: Get the vocab handouts from the back desk. Use the context clues to determine each word's meaning. 
You get two sheets this week! 20 words :)

New vocabulary
Discuss essays


  • read pages 95-111. Complete two-columned notes with quotes and passages you find interesting. 
  • rough draft of monologues due Friday, 11/30
  • word maps due Monday, 12/3


Tuesday, 11/20 & Wednesday, 11/21

Writing Prompt 3.1:
At the end of the First Marking Report, Melinda gives herself her own grades - some of the academic and some of them social (see page 46). Make a report card for yourself. You can create your own categories and classes, and grade yourself accordingly.

If you don't want to make up a report card, then reflect on your first marking report. How did you adjust to high school? What were your strengths? Where do you need to improve?

Review vocabulary
Reading assignment over Thanksgiving break
Tone and mood videos
Tone recut for Speak

Read pages 47-92 for Monday, 11/26. 
Complete the two assignments for the reading. 

1. lips
2. family life
3. mirror and face
4. tree and art
5. janitor's closet
6. school and grades


Monday, November 19

Do Now: Vocab fill-in-the blank

Review vocabulary
Discuss Speak pgs 20-42

Finish the First Marking Report.
Review the First Marking Report section and look for the clues and signs that Melinda gives off outwardly that something is seriously wrong. 

Find at least six signs that show Melinda's internal conflicts to the world. For each, write the sign, the page number and who should have noticed what was wrong. 

Melinda paints dead trees for a week. Pg 31. Mr. Freeman should have noticed that this was eccentric. He should have asked Melinda if she was alright. 


Friday, November 16

Writing Prompt 2.7
Make two lists:
5 things you wish you had known about high school
5 things lies you were told about high school

Once we share out, I will collect your Writer's Notebooks


Review vocabulary
Review Speak
Keep reading!

Assignments:Grades close on Monday! 

read to the top of pg 42.
Pay close attention to how Melinda interacts with Heather. Think about the fact that this is Melinda's interpretation of their friendship and events.
Pretend you are Heather. Write a paragraph from Heather's perspective. How would she describe Melinda? Why is she friends with Melinda? How might she describe some of the events differently?


Thursday, November 15

Writing Prompt 2.6:
Think back to your first day of high school. How did you feel? What  was your first impression of the school? your classes? your classmates? Were you nervous or anxious about anything? Write about your first day of school. 

Word maps can go in the homework bin. Paperclips are in the homework bin. Write your name on the top card. 

Review vocab
start Speak

read the next ten pages of Speak due Friday

  • Create a character log. 
  • Write down the names of the characters described. 
  • Write the character's name and a brief description of the character. 
Period 3: read to the top of page 20
Periods 7 & 8: read to the top of page 18

Writer's Notebook due Friday!
Grades close on Monday


Wednesday, November 14

Do Now:
Get an Anticipation Guide from the back desk. Read each statement and determine your opinion on a scale of 1=10. 
1 = completely disagree
5 = in the middle
10 = completel agree

Put your essay, rough draft, outline and peer edit form in the homework bin. 

Word maps due tomorrow
Writers Notebooks collected on Friday
Grades end on Monday


Social Issue Essay Grading Rubric

Social Issue Essay Grading Rubric

Tuesday, November 13

Writing Prompt 2.5: What do you think are the most important qualities and skills needed to be a good teacher? Explain why you think this.
Talk generally about what makes a "good teacher." Don't use specific teachers' names.

Review vocabulary
Discuss AOTW
Teacher Evaluation Project

Ess-yay due tomorrow - typed!
Word maps due Thursday
Writer's Notebooks due Friday
o        AOTWs #5-9
o        Writing Prompts
Grades end Monday! Monday is the last day to hand in work. 


Friday, November 9

Do Now: 
Get out your Vocabulary 4 sheet from yesterday. We will be reviewing the definitions. 

Put your outline and essay rough draft in the homework bin. 

Vocabulary 4
Review thesis statements
Writing in third person point of view
Peer Edit essays

AOTW response due Tuesday
Final draft of the essay due Wednesday, November 14

  • I will be after school on Tuesday in the IMC if you need to type

Word maps due Thursday, November 14

If you missed the test yesterday, you have until Friday, 11/16 to make it up after school. I will be here after school Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. 

Grades end Monday, November 19. No assignment will be accepted after this date. Remember, you have one week to make up missing assignments. Start working on this NOW!


Wednesday, 11/7 & Thursday, 11/8

Do Now:
Get out a pen or pencil and loose leaf paper.

Put your crossword puzzles in the homework bin. 

Finish your outline and rough draft for Friday!
Come and see me during lunch if you need help developing a thesis statement

If you missed today's test, you have until Friday, 11/16 to make it up after school. I will be here after school Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. 

Grades end Monday, November 19. No assignment will be accepted after this date. Remember, you have one week to make up missing assignments. Start working on this NOW!


Monday, November 5

Do Now:
Get a vocabulary handout and fill in the blanks. Use Vocab 3 words. 
elicit       terminate       methodical      adjacent       tangible
exploit    obsolete        escalate          acclaim        engross                    

Have your textual evidence sheet and your AOTW out so I can check them.

Develop working thesis statements
Essay organization and outline
Test review sheet

Help the adults in your life get to the voting polls
Complete your essay outline and rough draft for Friday. 
Study for your test!

  • Periods 7 & 8: Wednesday
  • Periods 2 & 3: Thursday


Friday, November 2

Do Now:
Begin copying your classmates' notes on the board. Use your handout from yesterday. If you can't see, move up. 

We will talk about each text as you are taking notes. 

Short Story Unit Review
Developing essay questions
Review vocabulary

Due Monday: 

Unit Test!

  • Periods 7 & 8: Wednesday
    Periods 2 & 3: Thursday
Essay due Wednesday, November 14

Thursday, November 1

Writing Prompt 2.4:
Compare the mother from AOTW to the mother/narrator in "Girl." What similarities and differences do they have? Which parenting style do you personally prefer? Which parenting style do you think is better for children? Explain your thoughts. 

Put your "Girl" adaptations in the homework bin. Wait patiently for it to circulate the room. 

Review vocabulary
Review unit readings

Unit test next week!

Periods 7 & 8: Wednesday
Periods 2 & 3: Thursday