
Wednesday, May 18

Writing Prompt:
Choose one of the following questions to answer.
  1.  What latent skills or talents do you have? Describe these talents and explain why you keep this talent covert.
  2. What is the most tedious task you have to do? Describe it and explain why you are so averse to it.
  3.  Do you know anyone who is recalcitrant? Describe this person's flippant attitude.

  1.  Review vocab and collect word maps
  2. Reading quiz Congrats to Shamoni, Howie, Nicholas, Mike and Malayna for getting 100% on Monday's quiz!
  3. Where is Huck?
  4. Partner Discussion/review reading
  5. Start 15-16

Important Dates:
  1. read chapters 15-16 for Thursday
  2. reading notes due Friday
  3. point of view assignment due Monday in class
  4. vocabulary quiz on Tuesday

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