
Tuesday, May 24

No Writing Prompt Today :(


  1. Finish review tableaux
  2. Review chapters 21&22
  3. Appearance vs. Reality handout
  4. Reading questions for chapters 23-26

Important Dates:
  • For Wednesday, 5/25: Read chapters 23&24 and answer reading questions. Work on Appearance vs. Reality worksheet.
  • For Thursday, 5/26: Read chapters 25&26 and answer reading questions. Work on Appearance vs. Reality worksheet.
  • For Friday, 5/27: Read chapters 27&28 and answer reading questions. Appearance vs. Reality worksheet due in class. Vocabulary Test (40 old and 40 new). Vocabulary Talent Show for extra credit!
If you're going on the field trip, bring your Huck Finn book for an awesome reading party on the bus! It's gonna be poppin!

Monday, May 23

Writing Prompt:

What did you think of the end of the world on Saturday evening? Did it not happen or are we living in an alternate parallel universe somewhere?

  1. Review vocabulary
  2. Review chapters 19-20
  3. Plot summary activity

Important Dates:
  1. point of view stories due today
  2. Vocabulary Quiz - Friday (NYC field trip on Wed; Acuity testing on Thursday) 40 new words and 40 old words
  3. read 21-22 for tomorrow and answer questions


Wednesday, May 18

Writing Prompt:
Choose one of the following questions to answer.
  1.  What latent skills or talents do you have? Describe these talents and explain why you keep this talent covert.
  2. What is the most tedious task you have to do? Describe it and explain why you are so averse to it.
  3.  Do you know anyone who is recalcitrant? Describe this person's flippant attitude.

  1.  Review vocab and collect word maps
  2. Reading quiz Congrats to Shamoni, Howie, Nicholas, Mike and Malayna for getting 100% on Monday's quiz!
  3. Where is Huck?
  4. Partner Discussion/review reading
  5. Start 15-16

Important Dates:
  1. read chapters 15-16 for Thursday
  2. reading notes due Friday
  3. point of view assignment due Monday in class
  4. vocabulary quiz on Tuesday


Monday, May 16

Homework for Wednesday, May 18:
  • Finish word maps (all 40!)
  • Begin your Point of View Assignment. The correct due dates are listed on this version. 
  • For Wednesday, you need to choose the character and event you are going to retell. 
  • Read chapters 12-14 for Wednesday. Expect a quiz. Review chapters 10-11 as well.
Extra Handouts for make up work:

Anticipation/Morality Response
I will update the Huck Finn censorship controversy articles when I am back on my school computer.


Huck Finn Webquest

You have the period today to work on your poster presentation for Huck Finn. Your poster should contain general background information on your topic and should be clear and easy to understand. You will not be presenting the poster; instead, your classmates will assess and examine your poster in small groups.

Use today to do general research on your topic. There are not enough laptops for everyone, so you will have to share. By the end of the period today, you should have your research complete and be working on your poster. You will get ten minutes tomorrow to make final revisions.

If you need to print photos, maps or charts, please email them to me at mccartneychs@gmail.com. If you are printing more than one, please send them together. I will print them out in the main office.

Huck Finn Webquest


Writing Prompts 4/29-5/6

Friday, 4/29:
In your own words, explain what you think it would mean to be "truly equal." What would true equality look like? How would we reach it? Is reaching true equality ever really possible? Explain.

Monday, 5/2: Benchmarks. No writing prompt. 

Tuesday, 5/3: Half day/Mr. Malone's class at NCC. No writing prompt. 

Wednesday, 5/4: 
Choose one of the following Mark Twain quotes. Paraphrase the quote and explain what you think it means. Explain whether or not you think this quote can still apply to life today.

  1. Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.
  2.  Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.
  3. Good breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person.
  4. If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.

Thursday, May 5: 
Read the Notice by Mark Twain at the beginning of the book (copied below). What do you think he means? Why would he write this? Explain.
"Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot."

Friday, May 6

You have a vocabulary quiz! If you weren't here today, see me next week to make this up. You have until Friday, May 13 to make this quiz up for full credit.

We will get new vocabulary on Monday!

You should have finished chapter 2 and read chapter 3 of Huck Finn for today.