
iMovie Help

To use PowerPoint and Keynote to make slides, follow the directions below.

1. Design your slides one at a time. Follow the saving process below for each one.
2. Go to "Save As." Under format, choose JPG.
3. Save the file to your desktop. It should be a folder.
4. Open iPhoto. Import the jpg to iPhoto.
5. In iMovie, go to Media and iPhoto. Look in the folder for "Last Roll." Your slide should be in that folder.

1. Design your slides one at a time. Follow the saving process below for each one.
2. Go to File and then Export.
3. Click on the Images icon.
4. Save this as a JPG. Set the quality to high.
5. Click Next. Enter the name of your file.
6. Your file should now be in iPhoto. 
7. In iMovie, go to Media and iPhoto. Look in the folder for "Last Roll." Your slide should be in that folder.

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