
Thursday, December 20

Writing Prompt 3.7: Get your copy of the Speak Anticipation Guide. Pretend you are Melinda and read through the statements. Choose a statement that you believe Melinda would feel strongly about. From Melinda's perspective, write about this statement and explain why it is so significant. 

Get your AOTW #10 out. I will come around and stamp them. 

Winter Break Present
Review Maya Angelou worksheet

Winter Break Assignment due Friday, January 4
Vocabulary Quizzes must be made up TODAY!


Friday, December 14

Writing Prompt: How does Melinda find the courage to speak up for herself? What happens to Melinda as a result of breaking her silence? Do you think this was a realistic ending to the book? Explain your thoughts. 

Partner work with end of Speak
Review and discuss end of Speak


  • Read and respond to AOTW #10 in your Writer's Notebook for Monday.
  • If you missed yesterday's vocabulary quiz, you need to make it up Wednesday or Thursday after school. 
  • Prepare for monologues!


Wednesday, December 12

Writing Prompt 3.5: Review the quotes chosen by your classmates on the handout. Choose a quote or section to write about. How does this section show that Melinda is changing? What specifically is starting to change? What does this section make you question or think about? Explain your reaction. 

Review vocabulary
Discuss pages 153-180

Vocabulary test tomorrow! Chapters 4, 5 & 6
Finish the book for Friday. You do not have to take notes. 


Tuesday, December 11

Do Now: Get a vocabulary hand out and begin completing the fill-in-the-blank side.

Review Vocabulary
Discuss Constructed Response
Practice and Rehearse Monologues

Vocabulary Test on chapters 4, 5 & 6 this Thursday
Prepare for monologue presentations
Finish the book for Friday - read up to page 197

Monologue Presentation Schedule
Monologue Presentations Handout


Monday, December 10

Today: Benchmark Day!
Write your answers on the scantron and in your question booklet. This will count as a quiz grade. 

Your homework tonight is to complete the constructed response. If you do not bring in the constructed response and the test booklet tomorrow, you will earn a 0 for the quiz grade. You may write the constructed response in the test booklet or on a separate sheet of paper. 


Friday, December 7

Do Now: 
Get an article from the back desk. Read through the article and answer the questions at the end. 

Discuss article
Rape & Speak
Rape & Real Life
Review vocabulary
Benchmarks on Monday

For Monday: Read pages 154-180 in Speak

  • Complete two-columned notes - one front and one back of a piece of paper
  • Focus on how Melinda is changing. What does she start to realize about herself, and how does she start to slowly speak out to others?


Thursday, December 6

Writing Prompt 3.3
Mr. Freeman tells Melinda that "nothing is perfect. Flaws are interesting" (153). He's literally talking about a drawing of  tree, but what do you think he really means?

You also need your copy of Speak

Discuss Third Marking Report

Final copy of monologue due tomorrow. You can email this or share it with me on Google Drive. Please see me if you are interested in entering the monologue contest. 


Wednesday, December 5

Read pages 141-153 for tomorrow. Complete two-column notes. You should have at least three quotes.

Final copy of your monologue is due Friday, 12/7. 

Period 3:
You must finish the symbolism chart and the reading questions for class on Thursday.