
Thursday, March 25

Why didn't they tell you?  Write about something your parents kept a secret from you or write about a secret you kept from your parents.

  1. Round 3 of March Madness
  2. Finish my boo Willy's sonnets
  3. Claude McKay "If We Must Die"
  4. Haikus!

  1. 4 haikus - two about your daily life, two for a vocabulary word
  2. 20 Word Maps for chapters 9-10 are due Friday
  3. Warm-ups are due Friday
  4. Vocabulary quiz on Monday
  5. All grades close Tuesday! 


Wednesday, March 24

Where does a smile come from?  Write about the person from your past or present who made or makes you smile the most.

  1. Round 2 of March Madness Poetry
  2. Finish Sonnets (holla at my boo!
  3. Grades and make-up work
  1. Winners from today need to find a new poem for Round 3 on Thursday! Sweet Sixteen :)
  2. 20 Word Maps for chapters 9-10 are due Friday
  3. Warm-ups are due Friday

Tuesday, March 23

  1. In order to hide his vulnerability, Chris...
  2. Sometimes, it's difficult to decipher...
  3. The most sinister thing I have ever done is...
  4. My mom is constantly scrutinizing me, so...
  5. Because our art project is so intricate, I...
  6. What constitutes your idea of a perfect date?

  1. Finish Round 1
  2. Collect This I Believe essays
  3. Begin metrical feet and sonnets with my boo, Willy

  1. Winners from today and yesterday need to find a new poem for Round 2 on Wednesday!
  2. 20 Word Maps for chapters 9-10 are due Friday
  3. Warm-ups are due Friday

Monday, March 22

Happy First Day of Spring!

We skipped a warm-up and started the first half of Round 1 of March Madness Poetry.
Benchmark test
Countee Cullen "Tableau" and "Incident" - Read both poems in the African American Lit book on page 342 and answer questions #1-8 on the following page.

  1. Anyone who didn't read today should be ready to read tomorrow!
  2. Winners from today need to find a new poem for Round 2 on Wednesday!
  3. 20 Word Maps for chapters 9-10 are due Friday
  4. Warm-ups are due Friday


March Madness Monday Presenters

Period 2:

Period 3

Friday, March 19

What do you like the most and the least about your age? Explain.

30 minutes of Independent Reading
Review Figurative Language Terms Maps
March Madness Poetry

  • Choose your poem and be ready present on either Monday or Tuesday (you should know your assigned day)
  • This I Believe essay due Friday
  • Post your second Independent Reading Book on ning TODAY!

Thursday, March 18

Vocabulary quiz on chapters 7&8
New vocabulary for 9&10
"Caged Bird" poems
Figurative Language Term Maps

Complete Figurative Language Term Maps
Post your Independent Reading Book #2 by Friday on ning


Wednesday, March 17

Warm-up: Without thinking too much, write down the first idea that come to mind for each of the following items.

        1. success                           6. heart
        2. home                              7. education
        3. money                            8. kids
        4. dinner                             9. government
        5. poetry                             10. culture

We read five poems relating to societal pressures and constraints.
Vocabulary review game

Write a free-verse poem about societal pressures and constraints (at least ten lines)

Important Dates:

Thursday, 3/18: Vocabulary quiz
Friday, 3/19: Post on ning for Independent Reading Book #2 and bring new independent reading book to class!
Tuesday, 3/23 - This I Believe final draft due!

Tuesday, March 13

What do you think about when you can't sleep?  Do your thoughts keep you up? Why?

Peer edit This I Believe essays
Practice vocabulary

Important Dates:
Tuesday, 3/16: This I Believe rough draft
Thursday, 3/18: Vocabulary quiz
Friday, 3/19: Post on ning for Independent Reading Book #2 and bring new independent reading book to class!
Tuesday, 3/23 - This I Believe final draft due!


Monday, March 15

Warm-up: Answer the questions using vocabulary words!
1. What are some attributes of an altruistic person? Do you know anyone who exemplifies these attributes?
2. When a calamity occurs, what do you do to persevere?
3. What is an enigma that you ponder?

Important Dates:
Tuesday, 3/16: This I Believe rough draft
Thursday, 3/18: Vocabulary quiz
Friday, 3/19: Post on ning for Independent Reading Book #2
                     Bring new independent reading book to class!
Tuesday, 3/23 - This I Believe final draft due!

Poetry Terms Handout
Work time on essay

Rough draft due tomorrow!


"This I Believe" Essay Assignment

This I Believe Essay Assignment

Wednesday, March 10

Post all your responses on the English 2 Ning under the "This I Believe" Essay Reviews Discussion Forum!!!

Thisibelieve.org is a site that contains the work of the many individuals who have contributed to his project. Reading the work of others will help stimulate ideas for your own writing. We will read/listen to/discuss essays from both famous and everyday people. 

Go to http://thisibelieve.org/ and click on the explore tab in the upper left-hand corner. You can browse essays by theme, special features, featured essays, etc. Begin browsing the essays. You can listen to them with your headphones.

Choose two essays. For each, answer the following questions and respond to this post. Your responses for numbers 2-4 should be two to four sentences long.
  1. Title and author of essay.
  2. What is the belief or insight this author presents through the essay?
  3. What methods does the author use to express his/her belief? Were they effective? Explain why or why not.
  4. What did you like about this essay? Why?

Tuesday, March 9

Journal: Most of us have been in a situation where we made a promise that for one reason or another we were unable to keep.

When were you disappointed because someone made you a promise that they failed to keep? Or when did you break a promise that you made to someone else?

1. Review vocabulary
2. Common usage errors in writing
3. This I Believe - John McCain and Jackie Robinson
4. "What do you think?" group work and writing anecdotes

Word maps
    Vocabulary word, definition & part of speech
    Sentence (not off of sheet - create your own!)
    20 Word Maps (for vocabulary 7&8) due Monday, 3/15
New independent reading book and Ning post - Friday, 3/12


Monday, March 8

Everyone has problems or challenges to overcome. What obstacles are you proud to have faced and conquered?

1. Review new vocabulary words
2. Word maps
    Vocabulary word, definition & part of speech
    Sentence (not off of sheet - create your own!)
    20 Word Maps (for vocabulary 7&8) due Monday, 3/15
3. "This I Believe" essays

What do you think? worksheet and response
new independent reading post by Friday - and bring your book to class!
20 Word Maps (for vocabulary 7&8) due Monday, 3/15


Friday, March 5

Journal: What is the most eccentric thing you have ever seen? Explain.

Independent Reading
Finish movie

1. Feb. Independent Reading Post - Friday, 3/5 by 11:59pm.
    You must create a Ning account for this! If you have not gotten an email invite, email me for one!
2. Vocabulary 7&8 due Monday

Thursday, March 4

If you missed the test today, see me tomorrow to make it up.

1. Of Mice and Men Scene Adaptation - Friday, 3/5
2. Feb. Independent Reading Post - Friday, 3/5 by 11:59pm.
    You must create a Ning account for this! If you have not gotten an email invite, email me for one!


Wednesday, March 3

Study for your Of Mice and Men test tomorrow!

1. Of Mice and Men Scene Adaptation - Friday, 3/5
2. Feb. Independent Reading Post - Friday, 3/5 by 11:59pm.
    You must create a Ning account for this! If you have not gotten an email invite, email me for one!


Tuesday, March 2

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. What is the most altruistic thing you have done recently?
2. What is something that revitalizes you?
3. Has anyone ever tainted your reputation? What happened?
4. How does George appease Lennie throughout the book?
5. What does George use as a deterrent to stop Lennie from talking too much?

1. Review last night's homework about social order in Of Mice and Men.
2. Begin viewing the film.

Due Dates:
1. Of Mice and Men Scene Adaptation - Friday, 3/5
2. Feb. Independent Reading Post - Friday, 3/5 by 11:59pm.
    You must create a Ning account for this! If you have not gotten an email invite, email me for one!
3. Of Mice and Men and vocab test - Thursday 3/4

Study for test on Thursday!
Finish your scene adaptations!


Monday, March 1

Write a paragraph about something you did over our "snow break." Use at least five of the new vocabulary words. 

Review homework
American Dream theme (this is the worksheet from Wed, 2/24)
Social order and aggression in OMAM
Internal and external conflicts
Dynamic and static characters 

Due Dates:
1. Of Mice and Men Scene Adaptation - Friday, 3/5
2. Feb. Independent Reading Post - Friday, 3/5 by 11:59pm.
    You must create a Ning account for this! If you have not gotten an email invite, email me for one!
3. Of Mice and Men and vocab test - Thursday 3/4

Social aggression is defined as actions and behaviors directed at damaging another’s self-esteem, social status, or both. Many of the characters in OMAM are oppressed by society or other people and long for companionship. Yet, they tend to put down others to make themselves feel better.

Find two examples of social aggression in OMAM. Identify the social aggressor and his/her weakness or vulnerability. Identify the victim, his/her weakness, what happened and how it affected the victim. Your response should be 2-3 sentences each.